SeeBrake™ utilizes Bluetooth to manage and deliver brake and timing data. Delivery can be to the operator’s phone and or to fleet maintenance technicians. We can also integrate with existing fleet telematics also.
SeeBrake™ is free standing and does not interact with the brake.
It is a reporting system only. Its operation is simple; activated by depressing the brake. When air is being released from the brake system, the software will now indicate a pending brake issue that may cause a fire e.g. stuck brake, cammed-over, or dragging brake.Configuration Options
Trailer only
Fixed truck
- Common axle configurations
- Common axle configurations.
Fixed truck
- No axle limitations.
Data Delivery Options
Alpha numeric
Graphical read-outs
Data directly to operator’s phone
Data integrated with existing telematic service
Graphical read-outs
Data directly to operator’s phone
Data integrated with existing telematic service