Reduce Trailer Fires By Having The Correct Information

2018 Technology and Maintenance Council Technical Session
"What the Blazes? Thermal Events Forensic Analysis"

SeeBrake™ reports 42% of braking issues
contributing to the Cause of Trailer Fires.

SeeBrake Brake Data Reporting System.
Reporting in real-time to the operator via the SeeBrake app:
- Push-rod and air valve timing data
- Real-time brake system health monitoring.
- Trailer fire reduction: SeeBrake reports to the operator, if a brake is hung-up, dragging or cammed over; needing attention NOW. Critical alerts include dash mount and operator app warnings.
- The system can integrate with your existing ELD via Bluetooth.
- SeeBrake does not interact with the brake action.
- Simple plug & play 15 minutes installation per brake.
- Works with any number of axles per vehicle.

Keeping your drum-brakes will enable you to continue hauling your current weights when your disc-brake equipped competitors are forced to downsize their payloads.
Using the SeeBrake™ data reporting system to insure keeping your brakes healthy will improve your fleet’s braking efficiency. In turn, you will find that this efficiency will extend your brake and tire life and so improve their overall stopping power.
Along with these improvements you will find that the cost to maintain both brake and tire costs will show a significant expense reduction on your year-end balance sheets.
Proper Braking
Reduces brake wear
Reduces stopping distance
Balances brakes
Reduces brake related accidents
Reduces Loss of life & property
Effective braking begins at the trailer and moves forward.
Loss Prevention Savings
Decrease vehicle maintenance time.
Reduce Driver Error
Mitigate Manufacturing Defects
Meet Payload Deadlines
SeeBrake is free standing, and does not interact with the brake.
Static Measurements:
Pushrod measurements are only taken when the brakes are in their full position.
However, there Is no way to know how long it took each air canister to push the brake to this full position.
Pushrod travel time measurement is necessary to identify some issues that may affect brake performance.
Dynamic Measurements:
Dynamic means that the brake positions are measured as the brakes are engaging.
Pushrod measurements are taken, and travel times are recorded that show possible mechanical issues including:
- Active brake problems
- Air leaks
- Dragging brakes
- Improper crack pressure
Dynamic measurements enable drivers to be alerted to problems that require immediate action and monitor less serious issues for later attention.
Related Crash Deaths
Involved Fatal Collisions
$20 Billion Annual Semi-Truck Accident Settlements
Safety Technology Pyramid
Automated Collision Avoidance
Electronic Stability Control
Automatic Traction Control
Anti-Lock Braking System
Supported By
Proper Brake Operation
Real-Time Tractor & Trailer Brake Reporting

Out of Service Conditions can be Reduced with Proper Data

2017 Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance's (CVSA) annual International Road Check

SeeBrake™ reports 41% of braking issues contributing to the Out of Service conditions.
Properly Functioning Brake Benefits
- Stop straight and within shorter distances.
- Experience more even tire wear, resulting in fewer change-outs.
- Knowing what each brake is doing means less wear on all brake components.
- Shave trouble shooting time by half an hour, by immediately knowing which brake is bad. This frees up your mechanic to check other issues that may require attention, providing a labor and parts cost savings.
- Eliminate potential for citations due to defective brakes.

High Quality Components
SeeBrake survives in the tough environment at the brake because its components are manufactured to Military Specification Standards (Mil-Spec). Our brake monitoring system is produced only by highly reliable manufacturers in the United States. This commitment to excellence maximizes compatibility, interoperability, safety, repeatability and quality.

Mil-Spec Electronics
There are three grades of electronics.
Commercial: 32 to 158 degrees Fahrenheit
Industrial: -40 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit
Military: -67 to 257 degrees Fahrenheit.
In addition to surviving a broad temperature range, Mil-Spec components are further tested to survive chemical road conditions, vibration, and strain.

Aviation Aluminum
SeeBrake uses Aviation Grade aluminum 6061 T6 mounting brackets because of its high PSI yield range of 35,000; materials may flex but won’t break.
T4=30,000 PSI with a 16,000 PSI Yield Range
T6=42,000 PSI with a 35,000 PSI Yield Range
System Interactions
SeeBrake monitors push rod readings and timings.
The system is free-standing and passive.
The system does not interact with the brakes, only reports pushrod readings and timing activity (brake systems).
If a sensor should fail the system continues to accurately reports the rest of the brake’s pushrod and timing readings.
Using our Bluetooth, SeeBrake can interface with the truck’s telematics.
SeeBrake is compatible with most wireless providers.
It can interface with tractor’s telematics.
SeeBrake Highlights
Easy to install
Easy to operate
Accurate beyond what can be done manually
Supports high axle counts
Supports Drop and Hook
Supports tandem trailers
One screen view of entire vehicle
Off-Vehicle reporting